Executive Assistant Coaching (4 weeks)


4 week program

Access to an Award-Winning C Suite Executive Assistant in Australia and APAC region to guide your EA to ensure they love and thrive in their role. Working with them to ensure they are engaged and motivated for success in their role.

Receive advice and guidance from an expert who understands the role first hand from 20 + years of industry experience. Providing them with best practices, advice and supporting them with their specific achievables.



Whether you are a PA starting your career or an elite C Suite EA, professional guidance and Executive Assistant Coaching from an expert in the field will assist to ensure you remain engaged, committed, productive and driven for success in the business and your position.  Investing in a coaching program is proven to greatly assist overall wellbeing, retention and job satisfaction.

At Executive Entourage we assist you with your career success and provide advice, including but not limited to:

A coach with top tier experience in the industry is an ideal way to help you. They have experience and insights into the highlights and challenges of the Assistant role and can assist in steering you in the right direction for your career success.

The usual six-month program is condensed into 4 weeks to ensure you are ready to tackle your desired results quickly.

Contact Us today for your Executive Assistant Coaching needs and set up a confidential conversation to structure a coaching program just for you.

Program includes:

  • 1 on 1 weekly call (1-2 meetings per week as required)
  • Unlimited phone and email
  • Actionable goals
  • Career planning
  • Monthly achievables tracking and progress


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